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Refereed Journal Publications

 *note: All papers are indexed in SCI/ SCI Expanded/ WoS


136. Chahar R. S., Mukhopadhyay T., Uncertainty quantification of residual strength post lightning strike: A coupled stochastic thermal-electrical-mechanical simulation framework for composite laminates, Composite Structures, Elsevier Publication (Accepted) [Impact Factor: 6.3]  (Corresponding author) 
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135. Tiwari A. K., Upadhyay S. H., Mukhopadhyay T., On introducing conicity in tubular origami metastructures for programming the nonlinear dynamics in an expanded design space, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Elsevier Publication (Accepted) [Impact Factor: 4.3]  (Corresponding author) 
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134. Tiwari P., Naskar S., Mukhopadhyay T., Nonlinear functionally graded metamaterials for hydrogen storage and enhanced sustainability under extreme environments, Thin-Walled Structures, Elsevier Publication (Accepted) [Impact Factor: 5.7]  (Corresponding author) 
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132. Sinha P., Kundu D., Naskar S., Mukhopadhyay T., Effective elastic properties of 3D lattice materials with intrinsic stresses: Bottom-up spectral characterization and constitutive programming, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Elsevier Publication (Accepted) [Impact Factor: 4.4]  (Corresponding author) 
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133. Mondal S., Mukhopadhyay T., Naskar S., Poling-architected graded piezoelectric energy harvesters: On exploiting inevitable rotational speed variability, AIAA Journal, AIAA Publication (Accepted) [Impact Factor: 2.62]   
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131. Shingare K. B., Mukhopadhyay T., Naskar S., On exploiting the architecture of annual ring growth for developing a new class of bio-inspired composites, Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, Taylor & Francis Publication (Accepted) [Impact Factor: 2.9]
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130. Garg A., Naskar S., Mukhopadhyay T., Elementary-level Intrusive Coupling of Machine Learning for Efficient Mechanical Analysis of Variable Stiffness Composite Laminates: A Spatially-adaptive Fidelity-sensitive Computational Framework, Engineering with Computers, Springer Publication (Accepted) [Impact Factor: 7.3] (Corresponding author)   
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129. Ghuku S., Sahoo S., Mukhopadhyay T., Nonlinear elasticity tailoring and failure mode manipulation of functionally graded honeycombs under large deformation, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, Elsevier Publication (Accepted) [Impact Factor: 2.8] (Corresponding author)   
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128. Mondal S., Mukhopadhyay T., Scarpa F., Naskar S., Frequency-band programmable piezoelectric energy harvesters with variable substrate material, tip mass and fractal architectures: Experimental and numerical investigations, Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, Taylor & Francis Publication (Accepted) [Impact Factor: 2.9]
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126. Zaeem M. A., Thomas S., Zhang N., Mukhopadhyay T., Mahata A. (2024) Multiscale computational modeling techniques in study and design of 2D materials: Recent advances, challenges, and opportunities, 2D Materials, 11 042004, IOP Publishing  [Impact Factor: 5.5]   ||Invited review paper||        [Download Full Text] 

127. Mondal S., Mukhopadhyay T., Naskar S., Active heterogeneous mode coupling in bi-level multi-physically architected metamaterials for temporal, on-demand and tunable programming, Communications Engineering, Nature Publication (Accepted) 
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125. Kundu D., Naskar S., Mukhopadhyay T. (2024) Active mechanical cloaking for unsupervised damage resilience in programmable elastic metamaterialsPhilosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 382 20230360, Royal Society Publishing [Impact Factor: 5.0]  ||Selected for journal cover image|| (Corresponding author)    
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124. Gupta K. K., Barman S., Dey S., Naskar S., Mukhopadhyay T. (2024) On exploiting nonparametric kernel-based probabilistic machine learning over the large compositional space of high entropy alloys for optimal nanoscale ballisticsScientific Reports, 14, 16795, Nature Publication [Impact Factor: 4.6] (Corresponding author) 
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123. Gupta K. K., Barman S., Dey S., Mukhopadhyay T. (2024) Explainable machine learning assisted molecular-level insights for enhanced specific stiffness exploiting the large compositional space of AlCoCrFeNi high entropy alloysMachine Learning: Science and Technology, 5 025082, IOP Publishing [Impact Factor: 6.8]  (Corresponding author)                                                                                
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122. Mondal S., Shingare S., Mukhopadhyay T., Naskar S. (2024) On characterizing the viscoelastic electromechanical responses of functionally graded graphene-reinforced piezoelectric laminated composites: Temporal programming based on a semi-analytical higher-order frameworkMechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, 52(8) 5396–5434, Taylor & Francis Publication [Impact Factor: 3.90]                                                                                  [Download Full Text] 

121. Awasthi M., Naskar S., Singh A., Mukhopadhyay T. (2024) Constitutive behavior of asymmetric multi-material honeycombs with bi-level variably-thickened composite architecture, Thin-Walled Structures, 203 112183, Elsevier Publication [Impact Factor: 5.7]  (Corresponding author)                               [Download Full Text] 

118. Roy A., Gupta K. K., Dey S., Mukhopadhyay T. (2024) Random topological defects in double-walled carbon nanotubes: On characterization and programmable defect-engineering of spatio-mechanical properties, Advances in Nano Research, 16(1) 91-109, Techno-Press Publication [Impact Factor: 5.7]   (Corresponding author)                                                                                                                                                                                                                            [Download Full Text] 

117. Chakraborty S., Naskar S., Dey T., Kumar R., Mukhopadhyay T. (2024) Nonlinear Stability of Curved Multi-phase Composite Panels: Influence of Agglomeration in Randomly Distributed Carbon Nanotubes with Non-uniform In-plane Loads, Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 37(3) 04024015, ASCE Publication [Impact Factor: 2.4]                                                                                                                                                                                                    [Download Full Text] 

119. Sinha P., Mukhopadhyay T. (2024) Pneumatic elastostatics of multi-functional inflatable lattices: Realization of extreme specific stiffness with active modulation and deployability, Royal Society Open Science, 11 231272, Royal Society Publishing [Impact Factor: 3.5] (Corresponding author)                          [Download Full Text] 

120. Mahata A., Mukhopadhyay T., Chakraborty S., Zaeem M. A. (2024) Atomistic simulation assisted error-inclusive Bayesian machine learning for probabilistically unraveling the mechanical properties of solidified metals, npj Computational Materials, 10 22, Nature Publishing group [Impact Factor: 9.7]  (Corresponding author)                                                                                                                                                                                                                   [Download Full Text] 

116 Khurana A., Naskar S., Varma R. K., Mukhopadhyay T. (2024) Smart electro-magneto-viscoelastomer minimum energy structures with particle-reinforcements: Theoretical equilibrium and nonlinear dynamics of actuated configurationsInternational Journal of Engineering Science, 2024, 103974, Elsevier Publication [Impact Factor: 6.6] (Corresponding author)                                                                                                                                                         [Download Full Text] 

115. Moura B. B. D., Machado M. R., Dey S.Mukhopadhyay T. (2024) Manipulating flexural waves to enhance the broadband vibration mitigation through inducing programmed disorder on smart rainbow metamaterialsApplied Mathematical Modelling, 125 650-671, Elsevier Publication [Impact Factor: 5.00]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          [Download Full Text] 


114. Chahar R. S., Lee J., Mukhopadhyay T. (2023) On quantifying uncertainty in lightning strike damage of composite laminates: A hybrid stochastic framework of coupled transient thermal-electrical simulationsAerospace Science and Technology, 142 108597, Elsevier Publication [Impact Factor: 5.60] (Corresponding author)                                                                                                                                                                                                             [Download Full Text] 

113. Saumya K., Naskar S., Mukhopadhyay T. (2023) 'Magic' of twisted multi-layered graphene and 2D nano-heterostructuresNano Futures, 7 032005, IOP Publishing [Impact Factor: 4.07] (Corresponding author) ||Invited review article||                                                                                                                      [Download Full Text] 

112. Chahar R. S., Mukhopadhyay T. (2023) Multi-fidelity machine learning based uncertainty quantification of progressive damage in composite laminates through optimal data fusion, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 125 106647, Elsevier Publication [Impact Factor: 7.80] (Corresponding author)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                [Download Full Text] 

111. Sinha P., Mukhopadhyay T. (2023) Programmable multi-physical mechanics of mechanical metamaterials, Materials Science & Engineering R, 155 100745, Elsevier Publication  [Impact Factor: 33.67] (Corresponding author)                                                                                                                               [Download Full Text] 

110. Sinha P., Walker M., Mukhopadhyay T. (2023) Non-invariant elastic moduli of bi-level architected lattice materials through programmed domain discontinuity, Mechanics of Materials, 184 104691, Elsevier Publication [Impact Factor: 4.14] (Corresponding author)                                                                  [Download Full Text] 

109. Gupta S., Mukhopadhyay T., Kushvaha V. (2023) Microstructural image based convolutional neural networks for efficient prediction of full-field stress maps in short fiber polymer compositesDefence Technology, 24 58-82, Elsevier Publication [Impact Factor: 4.04] (Corresponding author)                  [Download Full Text]  

108. Sinha P., Mukhopadhyay T. (2023) On-demand contactless programming of nonlinear elastic moduli in hard magnetic soft beam based broadband active lattice materials, Smart Materials and Structures, 32 055021, IOP Publication [Impact Factor: 4.13] (Corresponding author)                                           [Download Full Text] 

107. Garg A., Mukhopadhyay T., Belarbi M. O., Li L.. (2023) Random forest-based surrogates for transforming the behavioral predictions of laminated composite plates and shells from FSDT to Elasticity solutions, Composite Structures, 309 116756, Elsevier Publication [Impact Factor: 6.60]                        [Download Full Text] 

106. Singh K., Shingare K. B., Mukhopadhyay T., Naskar S. (2023) Multi-level fully-integrated electromechanical property modulation of functionally graded graphene-reinforced piezoelectric actuators: Coupled effect of poling orientation, Advanced Theory and Simulations, 6(4) 2200756, Wiley Publication  [Impact Factor: 4.00]                                                                                                                                                                                                                     [Download Full Text] 

105. Tiwari P., Naskar S., Mukhopadhyay T. (2023) Programmed out-of-plane curvature to enhance the multi-modal stiffness of bending-dominated composite lattices, AIAA Journal, 61(4) 1820-1838, AIAA Publication [Impact Factor: 2.62]  (Corresponding author)                                                                         [Download Full Text] 

104. Gupta K. K., Mukhopadhyay T., Dey S. (2023) Probing the molecular-level energy absorption mechanism and strategic sequencing of graphene/Al composite laminates under high-velocity ballistic impact of  nano-projectiles, Applied Surface Science, 629 156502, Elsevier Publication  [Impact Factor: 7.34]  (Corresponding author)                                                                                                                                                                                                                               [Download Full Text] 

103. Kundu D., Ghuku S., Naskar S. Mukhopadhyay T. (2023) Extreme specific stiffness through interactive cellular networks in bi-level micro-topology architected metamaterials, Advanced Engineering Materials, 2201407, Wiley Publication  [Impact Factor: 4.12]  (Corresponding author)                             [Download Full Text] 

102. Garg A., Mukhopadhyay T., Chalak H. D. , Singh A., Zenkour A. M. (2023) On accurately capturing the through-thickness variation of transverse shear and normal stresses for composite beams using FSDT coupled with GPR, Composite Structures, 305 116551, Elsevier Publication [Impact Factor: 6.60]     [Download Full Text] 

101. Ghuku S., Mukhopadhyay T. (2023) On enhancing mode-dependent failure strength under large deformation: The concept of anti-curvature in honeycomb lattices, Composite Structures, 305 116318, Elsevier Publication  [Impact Factor: 6.60] (Corresponding author)                                                        
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100. Vaishali, Mukhopadhyay T., Naskar S., Dey S. (2023) On machine learning assisted data-driven bridging of FSDT and HOZT for high-fidelity uncertainty quantification of laminated composite and sandwich plates, Composite Structures, 304 116276, Elsevier Publication [Impact Factor: 6.60] (Corresponding author)                                                            
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99. Singh A., Naskar S., Kumari P., Mukhopadhyay T. (2023) Viscoelastic free vibration analysis of in-plane functionally graded orthotropic plates integrated with piezoelectric sensors: Time-dependent 3D analytical solutionsMechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 184 109636, Elsevier Publication  [Impact Factor: 8.93]  (Corresponding author)     
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98. Mukhopadhyay T., Naskar S., Kundu D., Adhikari S. (2023) Effective elastic moduli of space-filled multi-material composite lattices, Composites Communications, 42 101656, Elsevier Publication [Impact Factor: 7.57] (Corresponding author) ||Most read article in 2023||                                                   [Download Full Text] 


97. Gupta K. K., Mukhopadhyay T., Roy L., Dey S. (2022) Hybrid machine learning assisted quantification of the compound internal and external uncertainties of graphene: Towards inclusive analysis and design, Materials Advances, 3 1160-1181, RSC Publication  [Impact Factor: 5.0]                          [Download Full Text] 

96. Sharma S., Selvan T. M., Naskar S.,  Mondal S., Mukhopadhyay T., Mondal T. (2022) Printable Graphene-Sustainable Elastomer-based Cross-Talk-Free Sensors for Point of Care Diagnostics, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 14(51) 57265–57280, ACS Publication  [Impact Factor: 10.38]                               [Download Full Text] 

95. Singh A., Mukhopadhyay T., Adhikari S., Bhattacharya B. (2022) Extreme on-demand contactless modulation of elastic properties in magnetostrictive lattices, Smart Materials and Structures, 31 125005, IOP Publication  [Impact Factor: 4.13]                                                              
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94. Moura B. B. D., Machado M. R., Dey S.Mukhopadhyay T. (2022) Bandgap manipulation of single and multi-frequency smart metastructures with random impedance disorderSmart Materials and Structures, 31 105020, IOP Publication  [Impact Factor: 4.13]  
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93. Garg A., Mukhopadhyay T., Chalak H. D., Li L., Sahoo R. (2022) Multiscale bending and free vibration analyses of functionally graded graphene platelet/ fiber composite beams, Steel and Composite Structures, 44 707-720, Techno-Press Publication  [Impact Factor: 6.39] (Corresponding author)       [Download Full Text]  

92. Sharma A., Mukhopadhyay T., Kushvaha V. (2022) Experimental data-driven uncertainty quantification for the dynamic fracture toughness of particulate polymer compositesEngineering Fracture Mechanics, 273 108724, Elsevier Publication   [Impact Factor: 4.89]  (Corresponding author)     
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91. Garg A., Belarbi M. O., Tounsi A., Singh A., Mukhopadhyay T. (2022) Predicting elemental stiffness matrix of FG nanoplates using Gaussian Process Regression based surrogate model in framework of layerwise model, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 143 779-795 Elsevier Publication [Impact Factor: 3.25] (Corresponding author)                                                                                                                                                                             [Download Full Text]  

90. Isanaka B. R., Mukhopadhyay T.,  Varma R. K., Kushvaha V. (2022) On exploiting machine learning for failure pattern driven strength enhancement of honeycomb lattice materialsActa Materialia, 239 118226, Elsevier Publication  [Impact Factor: 9.21]  (Corresponding author)     
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89. Sinha A., Mukhopadhyay T. (2022) Kirigami-inspired metamaterials for programming constitutive laws: Mixed-mode multi-directional auxeticity and contact-induced stiffness modulationiScience, 25(12) 105656, Elsevier Publication - Cell Press  [Impact Factor: 6.11]  (Corresponding author)     
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88. Roy A., Gupta K. K., Mukhopadhyay T.,  Dey S. (2022) Probing the stochastic fracture behavior of twisted bilayer graphene: Efficient ANN based molecular dynamics simulations for complete probabilistic characterizationMaterials Today Communications, 32 103932, Elsevier Publication [Impact Factor: 3.38] 
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87. Roy B., Mukhopadhyay T., Dey S. (2022) Polynomial neural network based probabilistic hydrodynamic analysis of two-lobe bearings with stochasticity in surface roughnessTribology International, 174 107733, Elsevier Publication  [Impact Factor: 4.87]  (Corresponding author)     
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86. Prajwal P., Ghuku S., Mukhopadhyay T. (2022) Large-deformation mechanics of anti-curvature lattice materials for mode-dependent enhancement of non-linear shear modulusMechanics of Materials, 171 104337, Elsevier Publication  [Impact Factor: 3.27]  (Corresponding author)     
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85. Kushari S., Mukhopadhyay T., Chakraborty A., Dey S. (2022) Probability-based unified sensitivity analysis for multi-objective performances of composite laminates: A surrogate-assisted approach, Composite Structures, 294 115559, Elsevier Publication [Impact Factor: 5.41] (Corresponding author)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   [Download Full Text]  

84. Mukhopadhyay T., Kundu D. (2022) Mixed-mode multi-directional Poisson's ratio modulation in auxetic 3D lattice materials, Advanced Engineering Materials, 24 (5) 2101183, Wiley Publication  [Impact Factor: 4.122]  (Corresponding author)     
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82. Sharma A., Mukhopadhyay T., Rangappa S. M., Kushvaha V. (2022) Advances in computational intelligence of polymer composite materials: Machine learning assisted modeling, analysis and design,  Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 29 3341–3385, Springer Publication  [Impact Factor: 7.31] (Corresponding author)                                                                                                                                                                                                   [Download Full Text]  

83. Bhowmik K., Mukhopadhyay T., Tarfaoui M., Chowdhury A. R., Lafdi K. (2022) Damage modeling of MWCNT reinforced Carbon/Epoxy composite using different failure criteria: A comparative Study, Applied Physics A, 128 549, Springer Publication  [Impact Factor: 2.54]  
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81. Chaurha A., Malaji P., Mukhopadhyay T. (2022) Dual functionality of vibration attenuation and energy harvesting: Effect of gradation on non-linear multi-resonator metastructuresThe European Physical Journal Special Topics, 231 1403–1413, Springer Publication  [Impact Factor: 2.71] (Corresponding author)   
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80. Gupta K., Dey S., Mukhopadhyay T., High-velocity ballistics of twisted bilayer graphene under stochastic disorderAdvances in Nano Research, 12 (5) 529-547, Techno-Press Publication  [Impact Factor: 13.05] (Corresponding author)   
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79. Moura B. B. D., Machado M. R., Mukhopadhyay T., Dey S. (2022) Dynamic and wave propagation analysis of periodic smart beams coupled with resonant shunt circuits: Passive property modulation, The European Physical Journal Special Topics, 231, 1415–1431, Springer Publication  [Impact Factor: 2.71]     
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78. Garg A., Chalak H. D., Sahoo R., Mukhopadhyay T. (2022) Vibration and buckling analyses of sandwich plates containing functionally graded metal foam core, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 35, 1–16, Springer Publication  [Impact Factor: 2.16] (Corresponding author)                                                              [Download Full Text]  

77. Chandra Y.,  Adhikari S., Mukherjee S., Mukhopadhyay T. (2022) Unfolding the mechanical properties of buckypaper composites: Nano to macro scale coupled atomistic-continuum simulations, Engineering with Computers, 38 5199–5229, Springer Publication  [Impact Factor: 7.96] (Corresponding author)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          [Download Full Text]  

76. Sinha P., Mukhopadhyay T. (2022) Effective elastic properties of lattice materials with intrinsic stresses, Thin-Walled Structures, 173 108950, Elsevier Publication  [Impact Factor: 4.44]     
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75. Ghuku S., Mukhopadhyay T. (2022) Anti-curvature honeycomb lattices for mode-dependent enhancement of nonlinear elastic properties under large deformation, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 140 103887, Elsevier Publication  [Impact Factor: 2.98] (Corresponding author)     
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74. Naskar S., Shingare K., Mondal S., Mukhopadhyay T. (2022) Flexoelectricity and Surface Effects on Coupled Electromechanical Responses of Graphene Reinforced Functionally Graded Nanocomposites: A unified size-dependent semi-analytical framework, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 169 108757, Elsevier Publication  [Impact Factor: 6.82]     
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73. Singh A., Mukhopadhyay T., Adhikari S., Bhattacharya B. (2022) Active multi-physical modulation of Poisson's ratios in composite piezoelectric lattices: On-demand sign reversal, Composite Structures, 280 114857, Elsevier Publication [Impact Factor: 5.41] (Corresponding author)                                      [Download Full Text]  

72. Mahata A.., Mukhopadhyay T., Asle Zaeem M. (2022) Modified Embedded-Atom Method Interatomic Potentials for Al-Cu, Al-Fe and Al-Ni Binary Alloys: From Room Temperature to Melting Point, Computational Materials Science, 201 110902, Elsevier Publication [Impact Factor: 3.30]                                    [Download Full Text]  

71. Agarwal E., Pain A., Mukhopadhyay T., Metya S., Sarkar S. (2022) Efficient computational system reliability analysis of reinforced soil retaining structures under seismic conditions including the effect of simulated noiseEngineering with Computers, 38 901–923, Springer Publication [Impact Factor: 7.96]     
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70. Mahata A.., Mukhopadhyay T., Asle Zaeem M. (2022) Liquid Ordering Induced Heterogeneities in Homogeneous Nucleation during Solidification of Pure Metals, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 106 77-89, Elsevier Publication [Impact Factor: 8.07]                                                                            [Download Full Text]  


69. Gupta K. K., Mukhopadhyay T., Roy A., Roy L Dey S. (2021) Sparse machine learning assisted deep computational insights on the mechanical properties of graphene with intrinsic defects and doping, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 155 110111, Elsevier Publication [Impact Factor: 3.99] (Corresponding author)                                                                               
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68. Adhikari S., Mukhopadhyay T., Liu X. (2021) Broadband dynamic elastic moduli of honeycomb lattice materials: A generalized analytical approach, Mechanics of Materials, 157 103796, Elsevier Publication [Impact Factor: 3.27] (Corresponding author)                                                                               
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67. Mukhopadhyay T., Naskar S., Chakraborty S., Karsh P. K., Choudhury R., Dey S. (2021) Stochastic oblique impact on composite laminates: A concise review and characterization of the essence of hybrid machine learning algorithms, Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 28 1731–1760, Springer Publication  [Impact Factor: 7.31] (Corresponding author)                                                                                                                                                            [Download Full Text]

66. Trịnh M. C., Mukhopadhyay T. (2021) Semi-analytical atomic-level uncertainty quantification for the elastic properties of 2D materialsMaterials Today Nano, 15 100126, Elsevier Publication [Impact Factor: 8.12] (Corresponding author)     
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65. Mukhopadhyay T, Naskar S., Gupta KK, Kumar R, Dey S, Adhikari S. (2021) Probing the stochastic dynamics of coronaviruses: Machine learning assisted deep computational insights with exploitable dimensions, Advanced Theory and Simulations, 4 2000291, Wiley Publication [Impact Factor: 4.00] (Corresponding author)                                                                            
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64. Vaishali, Mukhopadhyay T., Kumar R. R., Dey S. (2021) Probing the multi-physical probabilistic dynamics of a novel functional class of hybrid composite shells, Composite Structures,  262 113294, Elsevier Publication [Impact Factor: 5.41] (Corresponding author)                                                            
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63. Roy A., Gupta K. K., Naskar S., Mukhopadhyay T.,  Dey S. (2021)  Compound influence of topological defects and heteroatomic inclusions on the mechanical properties of SWCNTsMaterials Today Communications, 26 102021, Elsevier Publication [Impact Factor: 3.38]                                                      [Download Full Text]

62. Singh A., Mukhopadhyay T., Adhikari S., Bhattacharya B. (2021) Voltage-dependent modulation of elastic moduli in lattice metamaterials: Emergence of a programmable state-transition capabilityInternational Journal of Solids and Structures, 208-209 31-48, Elsevier Publication [Impact Factor: 3.90] (Corresponding author)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        [Download Full Text]


61. Mukhopadhyay T., Naskar S., Adhikari S. (2020) Anisotropy tailoring in geometrically isotropic multi-material latticesExtreme Mechanics Letters, 40 100934, Elsevier Publication [Impact Factor: 4.57] (Corresponding author)                                                                                                                                      [Download Full Text]

60. Mukhopadhyay T., Mahata A., Naskar S., Adhikari S. (2020) Probing the effective Young's modulus of `magic angle' inspired multi-functional twisted nano-heterostructuresAdvanced Theory and Simulations, 3(10) 2000129, Willey Publication [Impact Factor: 4.00] (Corresponding author)                          [Download Full Text]

59. Trịnh M. C., Mukhopadhyay T., Kim S. E. (2020) A semi-analytical stochastic buckling quantification of porous functionally graded plates, Aerospace Science and Technology, 105 105928, Elsevier Publication [Impact Factor: 5.12]                                                                                                                            [Download Full Text]

58. Kalita K., Mukhopadhyay T., Dey P., Haldar S. (2020) Genetic programming assisted multi-scale optimization for multi-objective dynamic performance of laminated composites: The advantage of more elementary-level analyses, Neural Computing and Applications, 32 7969–7993, Springer Publication [Impact Factor: 5.61] (Corresponding author)                                                                                                                                                                                     [Download Full Text]

57. Wang H., Zhao D., Jin Y., Wang M., Mukhopadhyay T., You Z. (2020) Modulation of multi-directional auxeticity in hybrid origami metamaterials, Applied Materials Today, 20 100715, Elsevier Publication [Impact Factor: 10.04] ||All authors contributed equally||                                                                       [Download Full Text]

56. Gupta K. K., Mukhopadhyay T., Roy A., Dey S. (2020) Probing the compound effect of spatially varying intrinsic defects and doping on mechanical properties of hybrid graphene monolayers, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 50 44 - 58, Elsevier Publication [Impact Factor: 8.07] (Corresponding author)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    [Download Full Text] 

55. Adhikari S., Mukhopadhyay T., Shaw A., Lavery N. P. (2020) Apparent negative values of Young's moduli of lattice materials under dynamic conditions, International Journal of Engineering Science, 150 103231, Elsevier Publication [Impact Factor: 8.84] (Corresponding author) ||First two authors contributed equally||                                                                                                                                                                                                                             [Download Full Text]  

54. Vaishali, Mukhopadhyay T., Karsh P. K., Basu B., Dey S. (2020) Machine learning based stochastic dynamic analysis of functionally graded shells, Composite Structures, 237 111870, Elsevier Publication  [Impact Factor: 5.41] (Corresponding author)                                                                              [Download Full Text]  

53. Chandra Y.,  Mukhopadhyay T., Adhikari S., Figiel F. (2020) Size-dependent dynamic characteristics of graphene based multi-layer nano hetero-structures, Nanotechnology, 31 145705, IOP Publishing [Impact Factor: 3.87] (Corresponding author)                                                                              [Download Full Text]   

52. Mukhopadhyay T., Ma J., Feng H., Hou D., Gattas J. M., Chen Y., You Z. (2020) Programmable stiffness and shape modulation in origami materials: Emergence of a distant actuation feature, Applied Materials Today, 19 100537, Elsevier Publication  [Impact Factor: 10.04]                                           [Download Full Text]   


51. Kumar R. R., Mukhopadhyay T., Naskar S., Pandey K. M., Dey S. (2019) Stochastic low-velocity impact analysis of sandwich plates including the effects of obliqueness and twist, Thin-Walled Structures, 145 106411, Elsevier Publication [Impact Factor: 4.44] (Corresponding author)                             [Download Full Text]   

50. Karsh P. K., Mukhopadhyay T., Chakraborty S., Naskar S., Dey S. (2019) A hybrid stochastic sensitivity analysis for low-frequency vibration and low-velocity impact of functionally graded plates, Composites Part B: Engineering, 176 107221, Elsevier Publication  [Impact Factor: 9.08] (Corresponding author)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      [Download Full Text]   

49. Mukhopadhyay T., Adhikari S., Alu A. (2019) Theoretical limits for negative elastic moduli in subacoustic lattice materials, Physical Review B, 99 094108, APS publication  [Impact Factor: 4.04] (Corresponding author)                                                                                                                                           [Download Full Text]   

48. Mukhopadhyay T., Naskar S., Dey S., Chakrabarti A. (2019) Condition assessment and strengthening of aged structures: Perspectives based on a critical case study, Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction, 24 (3) 05019003, ASCE publication  [Impact Factor: 1.90] (Corresponding author)                                                                                                                                          
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47. Kumar R. R., Mukhopadhyay T., Pandey K. M., Dey S. (2019) Stochastic buckling analysis of sandwich plates: The importance of higher order modes, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 152 630-643, Elsevier Publication   [Impact Factor: 5.33] (Corresponding author)                                     [Download Full Text

46. Naskar S., Mukhopadhyay T., Sriramula S., (2019) Spatially varying fuzzy multi-scale uncertainty propagation in unidirectional fibre reinforced composites, Composite Structures, 209 940-967, Elsevier Publication [Impact Factor: 5.41] (Corresponding author)                                                                [Download Full Text]

45. Mukhopadhyay T., Adhikari S., Batou A. (2019) Frequency domain homogenization for the viscoelastic properties of spatially correlated quasi-periodic lattices, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 150 784 - 806, Elsevier Publication [Impact Factor: 5.33] (Corresponding author)                            [Download Full Text]

43. Mukhopadhyay T., Adhikari S., Alu A. (2019) Probing the frequency-dependent elastic moduli of lattice materials, Acta Materialia, 165 654-665, Elsevier Publication  [Impact Factor: 8.20] (Corresponding author)                                                                                                                                                   [Download Full Text]

44. Dey S., Mukhopadhyay T., Naskar S., Dey T. K., Chalak H. D., Adhikari S. (2019) Probabilistic characterization for dynamics and stability of laminated soft core sandwich plates, Journal of Sandwich Structures & Materials, 21(1) 366 - 397, SAGE Publication  [Impact Factor: 5.49] (Corresponding author)     [Download Full Text]

42. Karsh P. K., Mukhopadhyay T., Dey S. (2019) Stochastic low-velocity impact on functionally graded plates: Probabilistic and non-probabilistic uncertainty quantification, Composites Part B: Engineering, 159 461- 480, Elsevier Publication  [Impact Factor: 9.08] (Corresponding author)            [Download Full Text]


41. Mukhopadhyay T. (2018) A multivariate adaptive regression splines based damage identification methodology for web core composite bridges including the effect of noise, Journal of Sandwich Structures & Materials, 20(7) 885–903, SAGE Publication  [Impact Factor: 5.49] (Corresponding author)
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40. Mahata A., Mukhopadhyay T. (2018) Probing the chirality-dependent elastic properties and crack propagation behavior of single and bilayer stanene, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 20 22768--22782, RSC Publication [Impact Factor: 3.68] (Corresponding author)                                                     [Download Full Text]

39. Mukhopadhyay T., Naskar S., Karsh P. K., Dey S., You Z. (2018) Effect of delamination on the stochastic natural frequencies of composite laminatesComposites Part B: Engineering, 154 242-256, Elsevier Publication [Impact Factor: 9.08] (Corresponding author)                                                               [Download Full Text]

38. Naskar S., Mukhopadhyay T., Sriramula S. (2018) Probabilistic micromechanical spatial variability quantification in laminated compositesComposites Part B: Engineering, 151 291-325,  Elsevier Publication  [Impact Factor: 9.08] (Corresponding author)                                                                                  [Download Full Text]

37. Bera A. K., Mukhopadhyay T., Mohan P. J.,  Dey T. K.  (2018) A multi-attribute decision making approach of mix design based on experimental soil characterization, Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering, 12(3) 361-371, Springer Publication  [Impact Factor: 2.37] (Corresponding author)          [Download Full Text]

36. Karsh P. K., Mukhopadhyay T., Dey S. (2018) Stochastic dynamic analysis of twisted functionally graded platesComposites Part B: Engineering, 147 259-278, Elsevier Publication [Impact Factor: 9.08] (Corresponding author)                                                                                                                                 [Download Full Text]

35. Maharshi K., Mukhopadhyay T., Roy B., Roy L., Dey  S. (2018) Stochastic dynamic behaviour of hydrodynamic journal bearings including the effect of surface roughnessInternational Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 142–143 370–383, Elsevier Publication [Impact Factor: 5.33] (Corresponding author) [Download Full Text]

34. Mukhopadhyay T., Mahata A., Adhikari S., Asle Zaeem M.  (2018) Probing the shear modulus of two-dimensional multiplanar nanostructures and heterostructuresNanoscale, 10 5280 – 5294, RSC Publication  [Impact Factor: 7.79] (Corresponding author)                                                                    [Download Full Text]

33. Karsh P. K., Mukhopadhyay T., Dey S. (2018) Spatial vulnerability analysis for the first ply failure strength of composite laminates including effect of delaminationComposite Structures, 184 554–567, Elsevier Publication   [Impact Factor: 5.41] (Corresponding author)                                                   [Download Full Text]

32. Dey S., Mukhopadhyay T., Sahu S. K., Adhikari S. (2018) Stochastic dynamic stability analysis of composite curved panels subjected to non-uniform partial edge loading, European Journal of Mechanics / A Solids, 67  108–122,  Elsevier Publication  [Impact Factor: 4.22] (Corresponding author)      [Download Full Text]


31. Mukhopadhyay T., Mahata A., Adhikari S., Asle Zaeem M. (2017) Effective mechanical properties of multilayer nano-heterostructuresNature Scientific Reports,  7 15818,  Springer Nature Publication   [Impact Factor: 4.38] (Corresponding author)                                                                                          [Download Full Text]

30. Mukhopadhyay T., Adhikari S.  (2017) Effective in-plane elastic moduli of quasi-random spatially irregular hexagonal lattices, International Journal of Engineering Science, 119 142–179, Elsevier Publication [Impact Factor: 8.84] (Corresponding author) ||Ranked among the Top 10 most downloaded articles, October 2017||                                                                                                                                                                                                                        [Download Full Text]

29. Mukhopadhyay T., Chakraborty S., Dey S., Adhikari S., Chowdhury R.  (2017) A critical assessment of Kriging model variants for high-fidelity uncertainty quantification in dynamics of composite shellsArchives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 24(3) 495–518, Springer Publication  [Impact Factor: 7.31]  (Corresponding author)            
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28. Dey S., Mukhopadhyay T., Adhikari S.  (2017)  Metamodel based high-fidelity stochastic analysis of composite laminates: A concise review with critical comparative assessmentComposite Structures, 171 227–250, Elsevier Publication  [Impact Factor: 5.41] (Corresponding author)                              [Download Full Text]

27. Metya S.,  Mukhopadhyay T., Adhikari S., Bhattacharya G. (2017) System Reliability Analysis of Soil Slopes with General Slip Surfaces Using Multivariate Adaptive Regression SplinesComputers and Geotechnics, 87 212–228, Elsevier Publication [Impact Factor: 4.96]                                                 [Download Full Text]

26. Mukhopadhyay T., Mahata A.,  Adhikari S.,  Asle Zaeem M. (2017) Effective elastic properties of two dimensional multiplanar hexagonal nano-structures2D Materials, 4 025006, IOP Publishing  [Impact Factor: 7.10] (Corresponding author)                                                                                         [Download Full Text]

25. Mukhopadhyay T., Adhikari S. (2017) Stochastic mechanics of metamaterials, Composite Structures, 162 85–97, Elsevier Publication [Impact Factor: 5.41] (Corresponding author)                                                                                                                                                                                                                   [Download Full Text]

24. Naskar S., Mukhopadhyay T., Sriramula S., Adhikari S. (2017) Stochastic natural frequency analysis of damaged thin-walled laminated composite beams with uncertainty in micromechanical propertiesComposite Structures, 160 312–334, Elsevier Publication [Impact Factor: 5.41] (Corresponding author) ||This article ranked 1st among the Top 25 most downloaded articles, December 2016||                                                                                    [Download Full Text]


23. Mukhopadhyay T.,  Mahata A.,  Dey S.,  Adhikari S. (2016) Probabilistic analysis and design of HCP nanowires: an efficient surrogate based molecular dynamics simulation approachJournal of Materials Science & Technology, 32(12) 1345–1351, Elsevier Publication [Impact Factor: 8.07] (Corresponding author)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  [Download Full Text]

22. Kumar S., Mukhopadhyay T., Waseem S. A., Singh B., Iqbal M. A. (2016) Effect of platen restraint on stress-strain behaviour of concrete under uniaxial compression: A comparative study, Strength of Materials, 48(4) 592 – 602, Springer Publication [Impact Factor: 0.62] (Corresponding author)          [Download Full Text]

21. Mukhopadhyay T., Adhikari S. (2016)  Free vibration analysis of sandwich panels with randomly irregular honeycomb coreJournal of Engineering Mechanics, 142(11)  06016008, ASCE  Publication [Impact Factor: 2.62] (Corresponding author)                                                                                              [Download Full Text]

20. Dey S., Mukhopadhyay T., Sahu S. K., Adhikari S. (2016)  Effect of cutout on stochastic natural frequency of composite curved panelsComposites Part B: Engineering, 105, 188–202, Elsevier Publication  [Impact Factor: 9.08] (Corresponding author)                                                                                           [Download Full Text]

19. Mukhopadhyay T., Chowdhury R., Chakrabarti A. (2016) Structural damage identification: A random sampling-high dimensional model representation approach, Advances in Structural Engineering, 19(6) 908–927, SAGE Publication  [Impact Factor: 1.80] (Corresponding author)                                     [Download Full Text]

18. Mukhopadhyay T., Adhikari S. (2016) Equivalent in-plane elastic properties of irregular honeycombs: An analytical approach, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 91  169–184, Elsevier Publication  [Impact Factor: 3.90] (Corresponding author)                                                                                [Download Full Text]

17. Dey S., Mukhopadhyay T., Spickenheuer A., Gohs U., Adhikari S. (2016) Uncertainty quantification in natural frequency of composite plates - An Artificial neural network based approachAdvanced Composites Letters, 25(2) 43–48, SAGE Publication  [Impact Factor: 0.85]                                    [Download Full Text]

16. Dey S., Mukhopadhyay T., Khodaparast H. H., Adhikari S. (2016)  Fuzzy uncertainty propagation in composites using Gram-Schmidt polynomial chaos expansion, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 40 (7–8) 4412–4428, Elsevier Publication  [Impact Factor: 5.13]                                                                  [Download Full Text]

15. Mahata A., Mukhopadhyay T., Adhikari S.  (2016) A polynomial chaos expansion based molecular dynamics study for probabilistic strength analysis of nano-twinned copperMaterials Research Express, 3 036501, IOP Publishing  [Impact Factor: 1.62] (Corresponding author)                                           [Download Full Text]

14. Dey S., Naskar S.,  Mukhopadhyay T., Gohs U.,  Sriramula S.,  Adhikari S., Heinrich G.  (2016) Uncertain natural frequency analysis of composite plates including effect of noise – A polynomial neural network approach, Composite Structures, 143 130–142, Elsevier Publication [Impact Factor: 5.41] (Corresponding author)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  [Download Full Text]

13. Mukhopadhyay T., Adhikari S. (2016) Effective in-plane elastic properties of auxetic honeycombs with spatial irregularityMechanics of Materials, 95 204–222,  Elsevier Publication [Impact Factor: 3.27] (Corresponding author) ||This article ranked 2nd among the Top 25 most downloaded articles, May 2016||                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  [Download Full Text]

12. Mukhopadhyay T., Naskar S., Dey S., Adhikari S. (2016) On quantifying the effect of noise in surrogate based stochastic free vibration analysis of laminated composite shallow shells, Composite Structures, 140  798–805, Elsevier Publication  [Impact Factor: 5.41] (Corresponding author)            [Download Full Text]

11. Dey S., Mukhopadhyay T., Spickenheuer A., Adhikari S., Heinrich G.  (2016) Bottom up surrogate based approach for stochastic frequency response analysis of laminated composite plates, Composite Structures, 140  712–727, Elsevier Publication  [Impact Factor: 5.41]                                               [Download Full Text]

10. Dey S., Mukhopadhyay T., Khodaparast H. H., Adhikari S. (2016) A response surface modelling approach for resonance driven reliability based optimization of composite shells,  Periodica Polytechnica - Civil Engineering, 60 (1) 103–111, BUTE Publication  [Impact Factor: 1.36]                           [Download Full Text]


9. Dey S., Mukhopadhyay T., Khodaparast H. H., Kerfriden P., Adhikari S. (2015) Rotational and ply-level uncertainty in response of composite shallow conical shellsComposite Structures, 131 594–605, Elsevier Publication [Impact Factor: 5.41]                                                                                              [Download Full Text]

8. Dey S., Mukhopadhyay T., Sahu S.K., Li G., Rabitz H., Adhikari S.(2015) Thermal uncertainty quantification in frequency responses of laminated composite plates, Composites Part B: Engineering, 80 186–197, Elsevier Publication [Impact Factor: 9.08]                                                                           [Download Full Text]

7. Mukhopadhyay T., Dey T. K.,Chowdhury R., Chakrabarti A., Adhikari S. (2015) Optimum design of FRP bridge deck: an efficient RS-HDMR based approach, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 52 (3) 459-477, Springer Publication [Impact Factor: 4.54] (Corresponding author)                        [Download Full Text]

6. Dey T.K., Mukhopadhyay  T., Chakrabarti A., Sharma U.K.(2015) Efficient lightweight design of FRP bridge deck, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Structures and Buildings, 168 (10) 697 - 707, ICE Publication [Impact Factor: 1.17] (Corresponding author)                                                    [Download Full Text]

5. Dey S., Mukhopadhyay  T., Khodaparast H. H., Adhikari S. (2015) Stochastic natural frequency of composite conical shells, Acta Mechanica, 226 (8) 2537-2553, Springer Publication [Impact Factor: 2.69]                                                                                                                                                                      [Download Full Text]

4. Mukhopadhyay T., Dey T. K.,Chowdhury R., Chakrabarti A.(2015) Structural damage identification using response surface based multi-objective optimization: A comparative study, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 40 (4) 1027-1044, Springer Publication [Impact Factor: 2.33] (Corresponding author)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    [Download Full Text]

3. Mukhopadhyay T., Dey T. K., Dey S., Chakrabarti A.(2015) Optimization of fiber reinforced polymer web core bridge deck – A hybrid approach, Structural Engineering International, 25 (2) 173-183, Taylor & Francis Publication [Impact Factor: 1.06] (Corresponding author)                                    [Download Full Text]

2. Dey S., Mukhopadhyay  T., Adhikari S.(2015) Stochastic free vibration analyses of composite doubly curved shells - A Kriging model approach, Composites Part B: Engineering, 70  99–112, Elsevier Publication [Impact Factor: 9.08]                                                                                                          [Download Full Text]

1. Dey S., Mukhopadhyay  T., Adhikari S.(2015) Stochastic free vibration analysis of angle-ply composite plates - A RS-HDMR approach, Composite Structures, 122  526–536, Elsevier Publication [Impact Factor: 5.41]                                                                                                                                          [Download Full Text]

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