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The 'aim' of this lab is to focus on 'AIMS', i.e. Artificially Intelligent Materials and Structures.
Programmable matter Lab
Principal investigator
Tanmoy Mukhopadhyay
Postdoctoral researchers and research associates
1. Aman Garg, PhD (NIT Kurukshetra) [Project Engineer]
Area of research: Multi-functional composites
2. Sushanta Ghuku, PhD (Jadavpur University) [Project Engineer]
Area of research: Nonlinear mechanics
3. Prateek Maheshwari, B. Tech. (IIT Ropar) [Research Associate]
Area of research: Bi-stable metamaterials
PhD Students
1. Prakhar Sinha, B.Tech (IIEST Shibpur)
Area of research: Mechanical metamaterials
2. Ravindra, M.Tech, (IIT Kharagpur)
Area of research: Stochastic failure of composites
3. Mohit Awasthi, M.Tech, (NIT Agartala)
Area of research: Multi-functional metamaterials
4. Ankit Chaurha, M.Tech, (IIT Delhi)
Area of research: Dynamics of metamaterials
5. Kumar Saumya, M.Tech, (NIT Silchar)
Area of research: Nanomaterials
M.Tech./MS Students
1. Ali Fahad Usmani (MS)
2. Prajwal P. (M.Tech.)
3. Neelesh Srivastava (M.Tech.)
4. Aditi Sharma (M.Tech.)
5. Sejal Malu (M.Tech.)
6. T. R. Rahul (M.Tech.)
B.Tech. Students
1. Aryan Sinha
2. Saumya Singh
3. Achint Agrawal
Visiting Students
1. Talari Venkata Dinesh Adithya (B.Tech - M.Tech. Dual degree, IIT Kharagpur)
2. Diptiman Kundu (B.E., Jadavpur University)
3. Deepak Ganesh (B.Tech., IIT Madras, Funded through SURGE)
4. Karthik Tamilarasan (B.Tech., NIT Puducherry, Funded through SURGE)
Lab Alumni
Postdoctoral researchers and research associates
1. Agyapal Singh, PhD (IIT Guwahati) [Project Engineer]
Area of research: Multi-functional composites [2020 - 2021]
B.Tech. Students
1. Anshuman Das [2019]
Visiting Students
1. Ritam Paul (B.Tech., IIEST Shibpur; Funded through SURGE) [2021]
2. Jigar Panchal (B.Tech., SOCET; Funded through SURGE) [2019]
3. Vivek Dwivedi (M.Tech. AKTU Lucknow; Funded through KIT) [2020]
4. Hela Ambati (B.Tech., IIEST Shibpur, Funded through SURGE) [2021]
Open Positions: Our research group is constantly looking for bright and motivated students for carrying out funded research in the broad fields mentioned below. Students from the background of Aerospace, Mechanical, Civil and Materials Science can find suitable opportunities in our research group. Please contact me directly for prospective opportunities in PhD (including direct PhD after having a Bachelor's degree), MTech, MS, Dual degree (BT-MT), BTech and research internships. Postdoctoral fellowships can be made available from the institute and other sources (such as research projects and application of external postdoctoral fellowships).
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